Full site editing themes in Git

WordPress is developing Full Site Editing in Gutenberg.
There is a downside for developers. How do you put these themes in git?

If you develop an theme on your laptop, images are linked hardcoded. So are menu items and a lot of links.

Baked blocks features

  • Save every template or template part to your theme folder.
  • Check for hardcoded links, images, video’s, etc.
  • Allow developers to put themes in git using the tools they are used to.
  • On loading a page the template parts will be re-translated to full url’s and will work on different environments.
  • wp-cli commands to help deployment on live servers.

Baked blocks is in development

Photo by C Dustin on Unsplash

Currently Baked Blocks is in active development. The aim is to launch along side WordPress 5.9 in mid December.

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